Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The longest jump ever

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Whether it is regular reader of Green Savers know we love animals and, among these, the fantastic frogs-true professional photographic models. The photographer Lessy Sebastian, of 50 years, must have thought the same when I photographed the unusual friendship between a frog and a snail, responsible for an unforgettable moment in nature: jumping up the frog snail.

The unlikely pair lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. The frog belongs to Sebastian â€" Lessy is a recurring character of your photographs. According to the press, moreover, Sebastian was preparing for another photo shoot the frog when the snail made an appearance of plaster. Which resulted in another beautiful succession of pictures. See them here.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What happens when young elephants eat fruits of excess canhoeiro?

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The fruit of the marula canhoeiro â€" or â€" can cause intoxication in animals that eat it in excess, due to alcohol that is generated in the process of maturation. Was this the reason why the elephants you see on our gallery look drunk.

According to Ross Couper, Kruger's Guide, these young elephants have eaten this fruit in large quantities â€" she is sweet and refreshing â€" but weren't aware of its side effects and intoxicants.

"The elephants were young and exotic or some signs of being touched," said Couper. Other possibilities is these elephants have eaten beetle pupae that live in the bark of marulas.

See pictures-innocent and fun.

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Brazil: 90% of recyclable material is picked up by scavengers who earn less than € 195/month

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About 600 thousand Brazilians collect 90% of recyclable materials recovered, according to data from the corporate commitment to recycling (Cempre), an organization that brings together companies such as Coca-Cola, Unilever or Gerdau.

These workers, who have in their hands the success and future of recycling in the country, collect the recycling from the streets of cities or the dumpsters in the country, according to the Ipea (Institute of applied economic research).

"Most of the work is carried out by recycling them. Scavengers play a role of immense strategic value for the industry, in addition to providing an important environmental service by which are little valued, "explained to National Geographic Brazil Albino Rodrigues Alvarez, technical planning and research of the Ipea.

By "environmental services unappreciated", Albino Alvaraz aims to explains that each maker takes home per month, less than € 195 ($ 600). Still, these workers were recognised by the Brazilian solid waste Policy (PNRS) as important agents for the implementation of the recycling processes.

According to the Ipea, only 10% of collectors belong to cooperatives. It would be a good news that this percentage would increase, since the monthly income of a maker of a cooperative may be between €260 ($ 800) and €420 ($ 1,300), maximum value reached in São Paulo.

In Brazil, according to Cempre, in 2012, the market turnover of sorting and collection of recyclables generated R $ 712,3 million (€231 million), but only $ 56.4 million (18.4 million) â€" 8% of the total-was with cooperatives. The remainder was concentrated in the hands of wholesalers.

A better way to distribute these resources is being put into practice in Sao Paulo, in which some cooperatives for failing to verticalize space or incorporate other chains to the process, began to organise themselves into networks. In the case of Cooper Glycerius, Bishop. "In addition to creating a territorial capillarity in selective collection, [that] lets you share more efficient operational technology such as presses and sorting mats, and social technology, such as the Organization of a cooperative model better structured, which becomes a polo diffuser", explained Mário Agrawal, a professor of management and project Advisor of technology incubator of popular cooperatives of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)from São Paulo.

Although it is difficult that a city recycle 100% of its rubbish, this is the objective for 2020 of the city of San Francisco, California, United States. The goal doesn't seem unreachable, since, at the moment, about 83% of the solid wastes are reused. But, according to Kevin Drew, Environment Program Coordinator of the American city, Brazil has a large advantage to achieve this quickly: the pickers.

"If their experience is leveraged and better remunerated by the important environmental service they provide, cities like São Paulo can recycle 100% of the dry fraction of junk even before us, [San Francisco," he explained.

Photo: Milton Jung's Blog/Creative Commons

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As the suburbs are trying to stop the exodus of young adults for the cities

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A few decades ago, the young Americans at the 20-somethings out of their parents ' House, located in the suburbs of large cities, going to University or look for work in major urban centres. However, after getting some financial stability and constitute a family, they eventually go back to the suburbs, where the quality of life tends to be better and more attractive housing prices.

However, this pattern is changing. The latest data indicate that young adults are choosing to stay in big cities, building their lives there, forgetting completely the possibility of a suburban life.

Researchers and politicians have been poring over the problems and formulated some theories that can explain the phenomenon. One of the factors that can explain the abandonment of the suburbs is the price of housing, which are similar to the prices of large cities. In this way, with identical prices and with more services available in major urban centres life becomes more enjoyable.

The fact that big cities have good transport networks, which allows young adults did not own cars, is another of the factors of attractiveness of main cities. Also the existence of more services, shops, entertainment venues and catering has a big weight in time to choose the city or the suburbs.

The lack of financial stability and employment are also theories that can help explain the abandonment of the suburbs. Without employment, young people choose to stay longer in major cities looking for work and also because here the opportunities are more in number than in smaller cities.

Unemployment causes the young constitute family increasingly late. Consequently, the possibility of giving the big city for a smaller city will also increasingly being delayed, reports the New York Times.

However, many suburban cities â€" particularly in the vicinity of the great European capitals and u.s. cities â€" are trying to modernize and become more attractive to young adults. This strategy of revitalization through the construction of more residential complexes with prices or incomes more into account, entertainment complexes, shops, restaurants and improve public transport systems, betting on the construction of cycle tracks.

Although it is impossible to compare, to 100%, the two realities, the truth is that we believe that the phenomenon could be transferred to the Portuguese reality. And the reader, what do you think?

Foto: Highways Agency/Creative Commons

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

State of Tennessee wants to ban construction of Bus Rapid Transit System

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The State of Tennessee, in the United States, should prohibit the construction of Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT) in two municipalities, including the capital, Nashville, in what is, so far, one of the most ominous news of the year.

Second minus one Car, the Bill now presented "prohibits Governments and the Metropolitan transit authority to construct, maintain or operate any Bus Rapid Transit system", explains the Think Progress. 

If the Bill is approved, will bring the construction of the BRT system of 11 miles to Nashville assessed in the amount of €126 million (US $ 387 million), the AMP, but also any collective transportation system proposed for the city.

The ban was strongly supported by Charles and David Koch, the oil magnate and owner of the second largest company in the United States. The brothers Koch Brothers are determined to use their influence to lobby to prevent the construction of the BRT system.

Unlike traditional buses, BRT is known as one of the most efficient solutions to offer transport services of high quality at attractive costs in urban areas, both in developed countries as in developing countries.

BRT systems are flexible systems of transport in buses, with a via exclusive and that allow you to respond to various challenges, namely congested roads, environmental pollution and overloaded transport networks.

According to the experts, the BRT systems consist of one or more rows (major axis) on which vehicles travel in a high cycle frequency and include tracks dedicated to separate from the rest of the bus traffic and convenient boarding platforms and secure, guaranteed a fast shipping.

The pioneering implementations of BRT systems took place in various cities such as Curitiba (Brazil), Bogota (Colombia) and Brisbane (Australia). For example, in Bogota, with the introduction of BRT there was an exponential increase in the number of citizens who use public transportation, getting the system to respond to about 42 thousand passengers per hour.

Other cities followed the trail of early experiences, such as Seoul, South Korea (2004), Beijing, China (2005), and Istanbul, Turkey.

Foto: EMBARQ Brasil/Creative Commons

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USA: in vitro fertilization responsible for 1 million twins

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Since 1915 â€" when the birth data began to be tracked in the United States-until 1980, one in every 50 babies born had a twin, which corresponded to a rate of 2%.

Subsequently, the rate began to increase: in 1995 was 2.5%. In 2001, exceeded the 3% and in 2010 reached 3.3%. Currently, one out of every 30 babies born has a twin. The rate corresponds to many additional twins since 1980, but how many?

When the American Diseases Control Center calculated the number in 2009, concluded that there were 865 thousand twins. The calculations were redone with the data available until 2012 and it was concluded that there are 1,009,337 twins more than in 1980.

A few years ago, researchers from the Center for disease control analysed the phenomenon. Multiple pregnancies have an unfavorable impact on the main indicators of perinatal health, as the rates of premature births and underweight, "concluded the researchers, means the Quartz. Given the findings, the researchers wanted to know what was causing the increase in the birth of twins.

Enter the various conclusions that they reached with a deeper inquiry was that older women tend to have more twins than younger women and children in General. This demographic phenomenon was responsible for a third of the increase in the twins.

Researchers attributed the remaining increase to fertility treatments, especially in vitro fertilization and drugs that stimulate ovulation. The increase in the rate of births of twins seems to be, however, to stabilize. This is due in part to changes in the procedures of assisted reproductive technologies.

For example, the number of embryos implanted in the IVF process has a direct correlation with the number of multiple births. Thus, deploy two or more embryos increases the likelihood of at least one succeed and develop. However, it also increases the risk of multiple pregnancies. Previously, the number of embryos implanted was superior â€" what stimulated the increase of births of twins.

Foto: RiyAdh â€" M! s$/Creative Commons

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The little cubicles where lived the Chinese immigrant community in Manhattan

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In times of crisis, opt for a smaller dwelling may have multiple advantages. However, for many people, the townhomes are so small that can be painful. Photographer Annie Ling documented this reality in the old Hangar 81, in Manhattan, New York City, where Chinese immigrant workers lived in little cubicles of six square metres.

Even this Hangar 81 have been closed in the last year, the building used was divided into several cubicles that buildings a generation of Chinese workers and that could be rented between €72 and €145 per month, referred to the Inhabitat. The apartments were very sought after, since most of these workers send much of the salaries for the family in China, from what these spaces at low prices were attractive options.

Ling's photographs highlight the pain and the daily struggle of these immigrants, but the photographer can also portray the ingenuity and sense of community of these people. Although it can be distressing to see Ling, the Hangar 81 functioned as a community and a vital support system for these people.

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