Thursday, July 31, 2014

5,000 bees will be equipped with sensors to study the decline of the colonies

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A pioneer investigation will equip 5,000 bees in Australia with tiny sensors so that the Colony Collapse Disorder can be studied. The sensors are radio frequency identification and measure about 2.5 mm by 2.5 mm. across these devices, scientists will be able to study how environmental changes influence the behavior of the colonies of bees.

The investigation is the result of a partnership between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and the University of Tasmania. This is the first time that such a large number of insects will be used for environmental monitoring, referred to Inhabitat.

In addition to trying to determine the factors that drive the Colony Collapse Disorder â€" a global phenomenon in which the bees suddenly disappear from their hives-, the study also seeks to find a way to stop the sting of varroa, a mite that causes paralysis of bees.

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Chinese river becomes red overnight

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Authorities and citizens of a city in Eastern China are perplexed and curious about the mysterious transformation of the local river, once the watercourse became Red overnight.

China has experienced changes in colour of waters of the rivers due to pollution, but that is not the case of this river of Wenzhou. According to the inhabitants, the River was normal at 5 in the morning, time for Beijing, last Thursday. However, within an hour, the River became red color of blood. Residents also have complained about a strange smell in the air.

The cause of the change of color of the river is still to be determined, but authorities have ruled out contamination because there are no industrial factories throughout the course of the river. "Nobody knows how it is that the river may have been polluted because there are no factories here," said one site, cites the Ecouterre. "The strangest thing is that we can continue to fish and you can drink the water because it's good and is ready for the public," adds the inhabitant of Wenzhou.

An analysis already made to water suggests that the change can come from illegal downloads. "We suspect that someone has laid artificial coloring in the water, thinking that the bad weather predicted for the last few days and the rain would water down the color", indicates the local police Chief, Jianfeng Xiao. However, it didn't rain in recent days and the color has not disappeared.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Binishells: temporary homes with environmentally friendly facilities

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The hobbit House are fashionable, but often are not very appealing to people â€" in fact, they don't look very comfortable, despite all its green credentials. These structures, however, seem to be different.

Binishells calls, they are modern, but the idea is not new. She belongs to the respected architect Dante Bini, in 60 years, but has recently been relaunched by his son Nicoló. The new system using low air pressure to raise and shape light concrete structures â€" according to those responsible, she uses less 80% of materials, spends less 95% of CO2 emissions and has a carbon footprint 80% smaller than the traditional buildings.

The Binishells may be formed in a variety of ways and, in addition to housing, can be schools, offices, emergency shelters and cheap housing. Although they seem brittle, the constructs are, in fact, quite strong and can withstand hurricanes, floods, fires or earthquakes, advances the Inhabitat.

See some of the pictures.

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The dogs are also jealous

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As faithful Squires of humanity there are tens of thousands of years, always around to plead and comfort, you can almost say that the dogs have little more to do than to please us. But despite being generous in the distribution of their affections, the dogs don't like it when we share our affections with other animals that don't they.

Who have pets have probably realized that their cats or dogs, especially, get a little discouraged or angry when another animal is receiving attention. However, a new study confirms scientifically that dogs ' behavior, describing it as jealousy.

Until recently, it was thought that this kind of feelings was experienced only by human beings, but, according to a new study by the University of California at San Diego, is not the case.

Through a series of studies, based on tests to prove that the babies are jealous, researchers observed the way in which 36 dogs reacted when their owners were instructed to ignore and give attention to other animals, to television or a book, referred to the Dodo.

The dogs had a greater propensity to intervene in its owner's interaction with other animal than when the owner was busy with a book or with the TV. A third of the dogs observed tried even blocking fake dogs used in testing and a fourth tried to bite us fake dogs, signaling that are totally jealous over other animals.

Foto:  patchattack / Creative Commons

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

English transforms the home in a dwelling of 40 years

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World War II food rationing, black-and-white television, conservative society. This is the scenario of the years 1940. However, this decade of the 20th century was also, more glamour in the United States than in Europe.

If an inhabitant of the Earth had to return to live in the years 1940, surely you would find life monotonous, without mobile phones, tablets, computers and without colour television with hundreds of channels. However, is there who don't mind to live partially so. Ben Sansum, an Englishman of Godmanchester, is fascinated by this decade and spent years turning its housing in the years 1940.

Sansum is obsessed by 1940 years since he was a teenager, writes the Daily Mail. In your House there is a bakelite telephone, a Gramophone, a kitchen full of old cans and vintage furniture. All the decor was chosen to detail and historical accuracy.

However, this Englishman who works for British Airways, is obliged to make concessions when it comes to modern technology. Sansum has a plasma hidden behind a rack and a washer behind an old calender. The car is parked in the yard is also modern. The bathroom, as dictated the rule in most homes, is situated outside in a garden cottage.

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India is planting two billion trees and boosting youth employment

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The Government of India will kill two birds in one stone to hire jobless youths to plant two billion trees in berms of motorways of the country.

The plan will allow employ 300,000 young people, helping to decrease the unemployment rate in the country, where unemployment reaches 10.2% young, referred to Inhabitat. At the same time the massive planting of trees will help combat climate change and beautify the Indian roads.

Indian highways stretch for 100,000 miles and as such, there's plenty of room in their berms to plant trees. The new Government plan is positive for the country, since India has six of the ten cities with the worst air quality in the world.

Foto: Chani17  / Creative Commons

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Hidden pools of New York

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Sometimes, life in cities can be boring, with both concrete and no green spaces â€" especially at the peak of summer, when temperatures are highest. No rivers or streams for cooling off, who can help themselves from swimming pools to relax â€" but are rare people with the capacity for this fun artificial.

It would be normal that, in a city like New York, this was also the rule, but the exclusive neighbourhood of Manhattan has a hidden luxury but perfect for summer-swimming pools on top of some buildings.

According to The New York Times, who photographed some of these equipment, an apartment in these buildings can cost around €5,5 million ($ 166 million). For the vast majority, however, cool in the summer of New York will still have to pass by throwing water balloons at each other or vandalize the hydrants.

As New York is growing â€" increasingly â€" vertically, urban wellness solutions are moulding themselves to life in the cities. See some pictures of these urban paradises and, like us, please feel envy.

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