Monday, November 17, 2014

Abandoned by his mother Leopard is created on the bathroom attendant

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The baby Leopard Nimbus was abandoned by his mother shortly after birth, in the Natural Park Cotswold, in Oxfordshire, England. The animal Wrangler, Jamie Craig, discovered her along to a brother who, unlike Nimbus, didn't make it, and didn't think twice before taking to his own House, where the fed by hand for six weeks â€" the perfect time for the animal return to healthy Natural Park.

According to the Daily Mail, Craig rode the whole support structure the Nimbus in the bathroom. It can be tricky getting out of the shower with a Leopard on the side, but that fact not worried JHA of 13 years, and Niemi, of 10, Jamie and sons who helped create the animal.

"The first time I warmed up and gave her food be surprised by the strength that she had. Put him in the bathroom for her to walk from one side to the other, without restrictions, "explained the dog Walker.

Jamie monitored the animal's health every day, and this was one of the reasons why led Nimbus home. Is that Nimbus belongs to the species of leopards-nebulous, who live mostly the Himalayas, Southeast Asia and China and which are considered vulnerable by the IUCN-International Union for conservation of nature.

Nimbus spent six weeks in Jamie's House, until it was returned to its habitat (artificial). A success story.

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USA: how the FBI will handle cases of animal cruelty

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Last month, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States changed its policy in relation to abuse animals, and include them in the list of separate offenses in the National System of reporting of Incidents, following the recommendations of the Office of animal welfare and the National Association of Sheriffes.

So far, the FBI classified the animal abuse as "other" in the categories of your databases, this category where the offenses were less relevant. Such categorization made the work of organizations of animal rights and defense agencies that oversee law enforcement to monitor and combat the mistreatment of animals across the country.

However, with the new crime classification will be included in the group are other crimes like murders, rapes and robberies. "It will be a group A offence and a Crime Bill to society," reads a statement from the FBI that the Dodo had access. "Criminal activity and group information will be expanded to include four types of abuse," reads the statement. The four categories of abuse will be simple negligence, intentional abuse and torture, abuse and sexual abuse.

The FBI clarifies the concept of cruelty as "intentional execution, knowingly or recklessly actions that hurt or kill any animal without just cause, such as torture, mutilation, harass, poisoning or neglect".

Still in the examples of abuse include the denial of food, water, shelter or veterinary care when needed, or the imprisonment of an animal in a manner that causes injury, death, excessive or repeated pain and suffering.

The new classification given by the FBI abuses against animals has two immediate effects, as indicates the political director of abuse against animals the humane society of America. "First, the fact that the FBI classify animal cruelty crimes so serious enough to be monitored broadcasts a message to all law enforcement agencies that the problem is serious and should be taken very seriously," says John Goodwin. The second result is real-time monitoring of animal abuse in all 50 u.s. States, which will be compiled in monthly reports by the local authorities. The reports will start to be made in 2016.

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Scottish island on sale for € 315,000 can become a haven of ecotourism

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Located in the Shetland Islands, North of Scotland, the Isle of Linga has an unusual beauty, keeping almost all the natural characteristics anti-civilização: no water supply or electricity, just some holiday homes in ruins.

According to the British press, the island has just been put up for sale by Bob Thomson, who asks € 315,000 ($ 1 million) for her and hopes that its new owner can make Lanyard a haven of ecotourism.

"Owning an island in Shetland is the best feeling ever and it's always sad to have to sell, especially because my development plan received strong support of local communities," explained Thomson to the Daily Mail.

The island has 26 hectares and permission to build wind turbines, a pontoon for a maritime access and restore two houses in ruins as holiday homes. If it goes through, will be the first time in 80 years that someone lives in Linga â€" the last known person to do so was Captain James Fraser, who died in 1931.

Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, the island is surrounded by azure waters and is small enough to be covered in half an hour â€" in fact, it's closest to the Norway that of Scotland, according to the Daily Mail.

Although remain untouched a generation ago, the island has a rich past, having been found evidence of prehistoric communities that inhabited for several thousands of years.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

400 people bury my head in the sand by climate change

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A group of 400 people gathered in the famous Bondi Beach Beach in Sydney, Australia, and buried their heads in the sand to draw the attention of the country's Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, who refuses to include the topic of climate change on the agenda of the next G20 agenda.

"Obama wants to talk about it, Xi Jingping want to talk about it, all want to talk about it except one man," said Reuters activist Pat Norman, of 28 years. World leaders gather tomorrow and Sunday in Brisbane, capital of Queensland, Australia, for the annual meeting of the G20.

In 2009, Abbott called climate change a "bullshit" of science and also said in October that "coal is good for humanity". In recent months, the Australian Prime Minister said repeatedly that his priority is economic growth and climate change.

According to the Deputy, the Australian leader also proposed the reduction of investment in renewables, in a country that already has one of the highest levels of fossil fuel emissions per capita. Abbott's scepticism is all the more incomprehensible when we know that Australia is hit annually by fires extremes, heat waves and floods increasingly severe.

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Tiger on the loose in the outskirts of Paris

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A tiger will be on the loose in the vicinity of Disneyland, near Paris, after having been seen in the parking lot of a supermarket in Seine-et-Marne, East of the French capital.

Before, he would have been near the town of Montevrain, where the photo of this article was taken. "The alleged Tiger is being monitored, but we're still trying to intercept him," explained a spokesman for the local police, quoted by French media.

All residents who live five miles away from Disneyland should remain at home until the animal was captured, according to the French police, which, as the reader must imagine, is causing a severe disruption in the lives of thousands of people.

The police sent special agents out in the field, who will use tranquilizers to capture him alive.

"My wife saw it this morning. She got out of the car and called me to say: ' I think I saw a tiger ', "explained Jean-Baptiste Berdeaux, Manager of the supermarket where the Tiger passed.

According to a spokesman for the city, a circus passed through the area earlier this month, but all animals were counted. Thus, the Tiger will have fled the Parc des Félins, a feline Park located in Lumigny Nesle-Ormeaux, the 29 kilometres from the site.

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

New technique generates electricity from mechanical vibration

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Electrical power is usually generated through heat, movement, nuclear processing or chemical reactions, but scientists at VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, have developed a new method that involves mechanical vibrations.

According to Gizmag, they realized how to store the energy of vibration that occurs naturally when two surfaces with different job functions are linked by electrodes, being that this energy can be used to electrify low power electronic devices.

A work function is a property of the surface of a material that is defined as the difference between the energy of an electron at rest and the least thermodynamic work that is needed to remove the electron from the material.

Scientists at VTT created a parallel plate condenser with copper and aluminum wire, connected to an external circuit. The work functions of the boards allowed the initial load of a volt, as electrons have fled from one surface to the other.

Different electrode materials could, theoretically, produce higher voltages from 3V or 5V â€" above. The copper plate was fixed in place, while a motor vibrated the aluminum plate perpendicular to both plates, solid form or through impulses.

The energy work buffer function have a big advantage over the piezoelectric and electrostatic devices that generate electricity to mechanical vibrations to feed many sensors and medical implants.

According to Finnish researchers, who published this work in the Scientific Reports, the new technology should be implemented industrial scale between three to six years. Still, she will still have to be worked out and new versions emerge in the near future.

Foto: Nicholas Petrone/Creative Commons

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U.s. and China reach historic agreement to reduce CO2 emissions

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United States and China, the two biggest polluters in the world, today announced an agreement negotiated in secret with a view to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. Thus, China will impose, for the first time, limit the emission of pollutant gases, and the United States undertake to reduce them drastically until 2025.

The agreement between Presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jingping, writes The Guardian, open good prospects for a global agreement on reducing emissions after 2020, at the United Nations Conference, in Paris, in 2015.

China, by far the largest emitter of polluting gases, agreed to limit the pollution until 2030 â€" or sooner, if possible. Previously, the country only agreed to reduce the growth of their pollutant levels. In addition, Prometheus also increase their use of clean energy in 20% until 2030.

The United States pledged to cut their emissions in 26 to 28% below 2005 levels by 2025. It is recalled that the European Union had already agreed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 40% until 2030.

"[The USA and China] have the largest economies in the world and are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, so it is our responsibility to lead the global effort against climate change. I am proud to announce this historic agreement, "said Barack Obama.

According to Xi Jinping, this agreement "ensures that the international negotiations on climate change reach [completed] at the Conference of Paris, in 2015". "Let's make a deal when it comes to deeper cooperation in clean energy, environmental protection and other areas," he concluded.

Photos: Agustín Ruiz / Creative Commons

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