At the beginning of 2012, Thandi was one of three rhinos found without his characteristic Horn in Kariega reserve, South Africa, having been the only â€" the only because it is "a" rhino â€" which survived.Once found, Thandi a reserve team held nine surgical operations to try to close the cavity with skin grafts â€" three veterinarians and a plastic surgeon were involved in the operation.The recovery of Thandi has been a miracle, according to his doctors.In December 2013, during one of the operations, the doctor William Fowlds...
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
African Buffalo threatened by hunters
Such as the Tigers, elephants, Lions, rhinos and other animals, also the African Buffalo is threatened by illegal trade in luxury. Several Trophy Hunters, in South Africa, are paying high amounts to kill the Buffalo with the biggest horns and many farmers willingly accept the money that allows the slaughter of these animals.The hunters are so many suitors that farmers compete with each other to see who can create the Buffalo with the biggest horns and this can put the conservation of the African Buffalo at risk.Many farmers...
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
GM wants to sell electric car with autonomy of 320 kilometers in 2017
General Motors (GM) is expected to launch in 2017 a cheaper electric car and battery life up to 320 kilometres, according to The Wall Street Journal. The information, revealed also by AP, is expected to be announced today by the company itself, at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the United States.According to press reports, the car could cost up to € 25,000 ($ 80,000) in the United States and it's going to be called Chevrolet Bolt.GM offers electrical level since the Chevrolet Volt, released in 2010,...
Monday, January 12, 2015
7 nutrition trends for this year
With the arrival of the new year, many wish to adopt a healthier lifestyle, the food takes on a leading role. Phil Lempert, food industry analyst and founder of Web site, published in The Huffington Post some food trends for this year. Meet them in full.1. smoked FoodsAccording to Lempert, the demand for smoked foods increased after the chefs started smoking and roasting the ingredients to add flavor to vegetable and meat alternatives even to cocktails.Fermented 2.AlimentosThe expert notes that this year...
How to survive marine otters in icy waters without becoming hypothermic.
Many of the mammals that live in the ocean â€" and that during the winter have to face icy waters â€" turn to body fat to keep the internal temperature constant, as in the case of whales, walruses, dolphins, sea lions and many others.The Sea Otter is also a mammal that swims in freezing waters in winter and not to die of cold has to maintain an internal temperature of about 37.7 degrees Celsius, almost twice the water temperature where nothing. But how does this animal to keep body temperature constant and avoid hypothermia?Unlike...
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Mysterious and legendary metal retrieved from the ship which sank in the 6th century BC.
Legend has it that, when Atlantis (pictured fictionalised) submerged in the ocean, took all the orichalcum can't. This metal, is quoted in various ancient texts, including the criticism of Plato, and considered the second most valuable metal after gold.Now, a team of divers announced the discovery of 39 blocks of orichalcum on a ship that was wrecked in the 6th century BCE, near Sicily. According to Discovery News, the ship will have left Greece or elsewhere in Asia minor, and was carrying metal to Gela in southern Sicily,...
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Most of the reserves of fossil fuels will have to be explored to avoid climate change
Most of the vast oil reserves of the former USSR, the United States, the Arctic and the Middle East, as well as coal from China and from the African continent may have to remain unfulfilled in order to avoid serious climate change. The conclusion of a new study that analyzed the fossil fuel reserves that cannot be exploited.According to the study by two researchers at the University College of London, one-third of oil, half of the natural gas and more than 80% of the existing coal reserves will have to remain underground in...