Monday, September 16, 2013

Hundreds of millipedes causing train accident in Australia

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The millipedes aren't exactly great â€" hence have been required a group of hundreds of them to derail a train in Australia last week, 40 Km North of Perth. The train was traveling slowly, but failed to avoid the crash of another who was on the platform. Still, the accident left six people injured at the level of the neck.

It seems that the animals â€" "maria-cafes", as they are commonly known in Portugal â€" tend to occupy the rails of the train, where their black exosqueletos and brilliant work as the perfect camouflage. When a large number of millipedes is crushed, that interferes with the physics of iron lines, making them more viscous and slippery, losing its normal capacity of friction. In this case, "the train lost traction and slipped," explained David Hynes, spokesman for the public transport Authority of Western Australia.

This is not the first time that the tiny creatures are involved in accidents. In 2002, they settled in many railways between Melbourne and Ballarat that 50 trains had to be prevented from circulating. In 2009, the agglomeration of thousands of animals over a length of 1.6 Km, causing delays and cancellations in the service of vehicles.

The Australia has a lot of millipedes because animals simply have no natural predators on the island. Interestingly, according to The Atlantic, these creatures are coming from Portugal, having traveled to Australia in 1953. Are known for their distinctive black color, as for the terrible odor emitting.

This case serves to remind how closely linked are the nature and the human infrastructure in the current highly developed world. The public transport Authority of Western Australia is already conducting an investigation on the effects of these beings in the train tracks in the region.

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