Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rental market wins new followers in the United States

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The rate of homeowners in the United States, came down from 70 to 65% over the past five years, the lowest percentage in the last 18 years. According to the Financial Times (FT), this number will arrive soon to 60%, as more and more Americans rent housing and away forever the idea of buying a House.

"With the real estate bubble exploding, the number of homeowners would always go down. Somehow, this is a healthy move, because the country has been reviewing some of its excesses. Not everyone should be homeowners, "said Michael Gapen, Senior Economist of Barclays, to FT.

According to the charge, the big question is how far will grow the market for rental homes. Other analysts speak of a potential investment of €74 billion ($ 220 billion).

This change in American habits in relation to real estate is also the result of the enormous growth of the city centres, to the detriment of the suburbs, something that hasn't happened since 1920. Younger Americans â€" those who are buying cars â€" want to rent apartments in city centres, but now also the poorer classes are doing.

Which brings us to another question: How can the city centres and business win with this paradigm shift and at the same time, how can we gain quality of life in cities â€" with less traffic and cleaner air, for example.

On the other hand, the growth of the rental market may also relaunch the urban rehabilitation, with a bigger bet on the energy efficiency of houses-which may reduce our addiction resources.

And in Portugal, will be that the mentalities are changing?

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