Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Apple's new headquarters will be a circle with solar panels and seven thousand trees

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The project for the new Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, was developed by Steve Jobs himself, in 2011. Now, the ambitious project is in the process of being approved by the local authorities and has been partly disclosed. Final approval of the building is scheduled for November 19, but Apple officials meet today with authorities of Cupertino.

Thus, what most stands out the new lines of the building is its appearance of spacecraft, a ring-shaped structure that includes about 7,000 trees and, of course, several solar panels. "We can see the energy, love and attention to detail that we put [the project]," explained the company's CFO, Peter Oppenheimer. "We treated the project as a product from Apple. And is this the place where the most creative teams in the industry, for decades to come, will be to innovate ".

After the death of Jobs, the project was in the hands of Jonathan Ive, the guru of American multinational design, who worked in conjunction with the renowned architect Norman Foster.

The building has four floors and a circular shape. The San Francisco Weekly described it as a "a giant doughnut and massive", with a great place for leisure in the Centre and which uses natural gas as primary energy source.

As one would expect, the building is sustainable through natural ventilation, which replaces the air conditioning at 70% of the year, LED lighting and on-site recycling. "This will be one of the most sustainable large scale enterprises in the world," said Apple.

The Center will have thousands of fruit trees, Oaks and olive trees â€" 2,500 of these are native. The green space continues around the building and will represent 80% of the total project. Today, 80% of the venture is concrete.

Finally, the roof will be surrounded by solar panels.

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