Tuesday, October 29, 2013

GNR accounted 1091 accidents with animals on the roads until September

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By the end of September, the GNR 1091 accidents on Portuguese roads monies resulting from collisions with animals â€" more than our common sense thinks. According to the newspaper i, most collisions happen in municipal roads and ends only in property damage. But the discharge of responsibilities may prove to be a headache for drivers.

In the case of a domestic animal, the highway code provides for a fine for owners, who are responsible for ensuring that your pets do not constitute danger for road traffic. The fine may vary between € 30 and € 150, outside the car damaged.

But, if the crash happen with a wild animal, the only way the driver be compensated is using the Automobile guarantee fund, which will pay for the damage.

If the accident if it works on a highway, the dealership â€" that is required to ensure good circulation of security â€" is liable. But to do that the driver has to prove that the company had nothing to do with it at the entrance of the animal on the road.

However, according to the GNR, most accidents involving animals happen in national and municipal roads. The overwhelming majority of collisions takes place between the 6:0 pm and the 10:0 pm. At the end of the day, it is therefore recommended that you circulate cautiously redoubled rural areas.

If it is confronted with an animal on the road, the GNR advises against the use of signs or lights, honk the Horn, because they confuse the animal. Are also discouraged any sudden deviations (twists) â€" that can end in crash.

So, and when you can see the animal, should reduce the speed gradually until you can bypass it safely. If you're already too late and could not avoid the shock, the best can be non stop and not deviate, since with the braking, the front of the car low and if it is a large animal can be designed for glass windshields-breaking glass and causing injuries to the driver.

In the event of an accident, should always contact the police. Because, to operate the car insurance or the Automobile guarantee fund, it takes an auto raised by GNR or the PSP â€" which attests to the existence of the occurrence. If the accident involved domestic animals (dogs, cats, cows, sheep), it will be up to the authorities to contact the respective owners, but in the case of a hunting species (case of hares, rabbits or wild boars), the police is obliged to call the municipal veterinarian.

If it concludes that the animal can be consumed, this is donated to a charitable institution.

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