Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ghost stations of the London underground (with MAP)

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The London underground is undoubtedly one of the most linked to mobility in the world. 150 years ago, opened the Tube has 270 stations active, a journey of around 400 kilometres.

As is normal in such ancient infrastructure and that accompanied the growth of London â€" from three to nine million people â€" the Tube opened new stations, closed others and even went so far as to not open some that had already built.

This is the historic facet and black project comes in almost Us Versus Them, Dylan Maryk, an enthusiast for the London underground, at the beginning of the year, the map of the ghost of Tube stations.

Those who know the London underground knows that the tunnels are multiplying. Many of them cannot be accessed, which favors the map of Maryk. Many of the stations were closed for lack of passengers, other eventually close due to other, more modern constructions.

This is where the draft Maryk wins a fascinating dimension, which describes not only the mystical dimension of the Tube but also its own evolution over a century and a half.

And if you want to get even on this subject, visit the website Abandoned Stations. Here you can receive the list of abandoned stations and by clicking on the name, numerous photos-today and yesterday-the site. May have a warranty: some of the pictures are scary.

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