Friday, November 15, 2013

Lego prosthesis give ability to walk the turtle

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When she was found, the turtle Schildi had an infection so dangerous that veterinarians had to amputate her leg for her survival. However, and as already happening with several animals with paws amputated, responsible for Bird Consulting International in Baden, Germany, wouldn't let her get away with it.

According to Grist, the solution found up is quite simple: a prosthesis made from a Lego wheel. Yes, the classic children's Toy (and not only).

"The prosthesis of Lego will mean a turtle probably slower. But, in fact, how fast you need to get a turtle? "asks the aggregator.

The Lego piece is glued to its bottom shell and, after some reticence, the turtle Schildi eventually adapt perfectly.

The piece was designed by doctors of Bird Consulting International and had as its inspiration the toys of the daughter of one of the leaders of the NGOS. According to the professionals, Schildi will need to change their new paw once a year, so it's likely that the next material is designed tailored â€" perhaps this new survey will allow other animals can be helped.

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