Friday, November 22, 2013

Vegetarian Menus improve academic performance in school of New York

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In may, we told you that Active Learning Elementary School Elementary School, the New York neighborhood of Queens, had adopted a 100% vegetarian menu, serving children dishes that included tofu and vegetarian chili, among others.

Now, the first results of this pioneering experience of vegetarianism in a New York public school: after one semester with new food, the number of obese or overweight student reduced by 2%. On the other hand, the school recorded a reduction in attention deficit and fouling and an improvement in behavior and grades.

Who says so is Bo Groff, director and co-founder of the school, which still failed to prove the relationship between the events but are you sure that the time and persistence will confirm his thesis.

The school is attended by 400 children and became the first in the country to offer a 100% vegetarian menu at every meal. At first, the decision of the school caused some discomfort among youth, but most families accepted the measure. Children continued to be able to take meat snacks to school, but 90% did not.

To help children decide what is best for their food, school nutrition classes to weekly dedicated theme. Family members are also welcome to workshops, which teach how to prepare healthier food at home.

The aim is that children take in these teachings and oblige parents to fulfill them. Just so the project can already be deemed the winner.

Foto: SweetOnVeg / Creative Commons

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