Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Feed a tiger shark by hand

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Vincent and Debra Canabal are divers and sometimes feed the sharks mouth. One of the last "meals" provided by Vincent and Debra to a tiger shark was photographed by Brazilian Daniel Barker, and the photos are awesome.

Barker photographed these pictures in the Bahamas, a resort where tourists and visitors can feed sharks by hand â€" all in support of their conservation. "The truth is 90% of the population of tiger shark disappeared because of the black market. Eco-tourism is the only industry that keeps the animals alive, "explained Barker to the press.

Despite the huge risk associated with this practice, the Brazilian photographer insists that this is one of the few ways to preserve the species for future generations. "They are scary when open their mouths, we need to give them some space and let them know that we're there," continued the fearless photographer.

With four meters, the photos depict the shark Emma. Tiger shark population fell 97% since 1972, due to poaching. Today there are about 20 species of sharks in the IUCN list for endangered species. Tiger sharks are known to eat all they appear ahead: fish, birds, smaller sharks or seals.

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