Monday, January 6, 2014

Box of television is the apparatus which spends more energy

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When you switch the box on television it is assumed that the appliance stop wasting energy. However, these devices â€" such as most electronic devices â€" continue to spend some energy, since it still connected to the mains.

And these devices are those who spend more energy. In the United States, for example, more than 100 billion kilowatts per hour of energy are wasted every year, which cost the Americans more than €7,9 billion (US $ 25.5 billion), referred to Grist.

The wasted energy translates into wasted money on the electricity bill. And, at the same time, more energy is consumed unnecessarily, which means a higher consumption of resources and increased pollution.

The television boxes use more energy than other devices, because, in fact, are never turned off. The problem of the energy expenditure of these TV gadgets worsened with the introduction of the technology of digital video recorder (DVR), which allows the user to record a program at pre-defined time and watch later.

According to ABC News, a DVR device consumes 40% more energy than the devices that do not allow recording. However, there are solutions to reduce the waste of energy, although the telecommunications sector is not very willing to make changes to equipment. Programming the devices to turn off in the middle of the day or night, when they are not being used is a way to save on electricity bill.

"To reduce energy consumption, companies may make changes to the software without additional costs to implement the night mode or program the hard drives to spin when not taping can reduce energy consumption between five to seven watts", indicates the New York Times.

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