Thursday, January 23, 2014

Escape unemployment via organic farming

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After a long administrative career, Teresa Rodrigues was unemployed at the age of 53 years. Without waiting for the job to hit the door, this Lisbon decided to put his hands on the ground and start your own business, proving that life can give great laps, even after 50.

This is how it started the Quinta da Pedra Branca. After becoming unemployed, Teresa Rodrigues moved to Lisbon, with the family, to the village of Monte Gordo, in Mafra, where in 1995 acquired the land from the farm.

After great dedication to reclaim the lands of Pedra Branca, which once gave work to many of the inhabitants of the village in fruit-growing and vine, the family of Teresa Rodrigues transformed the place from a farm dedicated to organic farming.

"The idea of this project came up initially for pleasure in agriculture and by eating vegetables and fruit for a healthy and enjoyable way. However, the outcomes for some professionals and professional instability to others gave the big push in the decision to embrace this project, "says Teresa Rodrigues.

Even before becoming a farmer, the former in matter by organic farming. "Three years before Quinta da Pedra Branca exist became associated with the Agrobio, in order to participate in the existing formations, have access to information disclosed," says Teresa Rodrigues. "At the time, with so few knowledge about organic farming, the Agrobio was very useful for me, becoming a great source of knowledge, motivating and driving force" reveals.

The five hectares of the farm are managed by various members of the family and produce essentially organic hampers for sale to the public. The main project of Quinta da Pedra Branca is the Bio-Nice Campaign, which aims to "promote essentially three components: Nice in flavor, pleasant in the environment and pleasant in price" indicates Teresa Rodrigues. "When the family decided to embrace this biological commitment every conversation that appeared on the draft converged on the importance of these points as a means to expand and provide the greatest number of people, a healthy diet".

Currently the farm produces three types of baskets: small and large (five and eight pounds, respectively), with pre-defined and custom products, where consumers can choose the amount and variety of products. All products have Ecocert certification in organic production.

The baskets can be purchased every Saturday on the market or market of Loures Agrobio online and orders delivered later in six previously defined points.

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