Friday, January 24, 2014

Fish oil may help prevent Alzheimer's

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Eating more fish can contribute to a bigger brain and help prevent Alzheimer's disease. A new American study indicates that people with higher levels of Omega-3 in the body, which can be purchased through the fatty acids of fish, have a larger brain volume in more advanced ages.

The decrease in brain volume is a sign of Alzheimer's but also the normal aging process. Owning the larger brain volume in advanced ages is the equivalent to preserve between one to two years of mental health, the study that was published in the scientific journal Neurology.

One of the keys to the Omega-3 Docosahexaenoic acid is hexaenóico, which is believed to help the central nervous system cells to communicate with each other. The richest sources of Omega-3 and other fatty acids are fish with large percentage of natural oil, such as sardines, herring and mackerel.

"Our study suggests that a larger reserve of fatty acids and Omega-3 can help slow the loss of cognitive function that can monitor brain atrophy," says the study's author, James Pottala, University of South Dakota. "These higher levels of fatty acids can be achieved through a more fish-based diet and through the use of supplements. The results indicate that the effect on cerebral volume is equivalent to slow normal brain cell loss that occurs with aging, between one to two years, "he explains.

Besides the sardines, herring and mackerel, also the white fish such as cod, flounder and haddock, are a good source of fatty acids, although possessing smaller amounts. Coupled with the increased consumption of fish, fish oil supplements are recommended as prevention of heart attack and sudden death. With a diet of fish more regularly the odds of surviving a heart attack increases a third.

Fatty acids Act in different ways in reducing the risk of heart attacks: reduce blood fat, reduce the risk of blood clots and reduce arrhythmias, which can prove fatal. These acids can reduce brain inflammation and play an important role in brain development and in the renewal of the cells of the central nervous system.

Foto: Ultima_Bruce / Creative Commons

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