Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hungary: town flooded by toxic sludge becomes a model green city

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The 4 October 2010, the Hungarian town of Devecser woke up flooded by a red toxic sludge leaked from a central reservoir of aluminum oxide, which exploded (pictured). The flood of mud killed 10 people and severely feriou other 150. However, three years after the accident, the city was rebuilt and is now a model green city.

Thanks to the Mayor's vision, Toldi Tamás, Devecser is now a locale that uses local and renewable sources of energy and farming their own food. The new sustainable development plan was designed by Hungarian architect Imre Makovecz, free of charge, and includes a park in the area most affected by the toxic sludge.

In the immediate vicinity of the park there is a 30-acre Mall that provides wood to warm the 87 dwellings that were built eight months after the disaster. Every summer, a team of loggers cut the poplar trees and plant new trees. Geothermal energy is also part of the energy plan of Devecser and provides power to a very busy bus terminal, reports the Guardian.

In addition to renewable energy sources, agriculture is not neglected by municipal authorities. "I want to bring back healthy farming techniques with low emission levels of carbon dioxide that we had before. Secondly, we must ensure that all our public institutions use local production. Are healthier than the stuff you buy in Tesco, "says Tamás. This city of Hungary, in the region of Veszprém, intends to install later this year a dehydration of vegetables fed solar energy, in order to promote demand for local products.

Foto:  Adam Bognar / Creative Commons

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