Friday, January 17, 2014

Norway: cold wave last weekend froze School of fish

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The waves of cold have multiplied all over the northern hemisphere in recent weeks. The last country to be reached was that Norway, last weekend, faced lower temperatures than normal.

Temperatures dropped enough to freeze a shoal of herrings on Lovund coast. According to Aryl Slotte, specialist in pelagic fish of the Marina Norway Research Institute, the animals will have been forwarded to shallow waters by cormorants, a predator of these animals. Prevented from swimming to deep water, with less likelihood of freeze, the fish ended up trapped and froze near the coast.

Seawater freezes at temperatures of -1.9° C, a temperature slightly lower than fresh water. According to the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, the public broadcaster, in temperatures -7.8° C reached Lovund last weekend and were accompanied by strong winds, the Huffington Post.

In January 2012, about 20 tonnes of herring washed up on a beach in Northern Norway. Scientists found no apparent cause for the death of the fish, but the possibilities include oxygen deprivation, illness or storms, causes that can easily cause the death of fish on the high seas, which are later dragged ashore by currents.

Remember that recently, also in Norway, a frog woke up too early due to the mild climate, having died when the ice came back.

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