Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Photographer constructs drone to capture wildlife in the Serengeti

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The British photographer Will Burrard-Lucas built a drone at home to capture the incredible wildlife of Serengeti, Africa. Powered by six mini-motors, the drone can fly up to 15 minutes at a time, allowing the Burrard-Lucas plans so far unexplored by his colleagues.

The British managed to "catch" the hunt of the hyenas, wildebeest migration and the Hippo bath through a camera GoPro Hero3 +. Burrard-Lucas says that this technique is perfect for photographing the animals without scaring them off or put his own life in danger â€" still, we have some doubts.

The photographer, who lives in Tanzania, managed to control the drone about a mile away, also using a live video and a remote screen. According to press reports, the drone was mounted in five months.

"Animals react differently to the drone. The large animals do not see what comes from the air as a threat, since predators are terrestrial. The Hyena that I picked up was relaxed, just smelled the drone, "explained Will Burrard-Lucas.

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