Saturday, January 18, 2014

Python moves the jaw to devour Antelope

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The snakes are the world's most fascinating animals, of which cause more fears and phobias and, definitely, the Queens wildlife programmes. Despite its characteristics are already well known, never cease to amaze us with some of the tricks they use when it comes time to hunt.

The last proof of infidelity comes to us of Moremi, in Botstwana, where the photographer Fred von Winckelmann caught a Python eating an antelope whole and without major problems.

"View an African Python swallowing a young Antelope is something that only happens once in a lifetime", explained the Dutch photographer. "The snake was eating calmly your meal, didn't even notice us. This allowed me to download and shoot it at the level of your eyes ".

When von Wincklemann arrived at the scene, the snake was starting to move the jaw to eat the antelope, something he continued to do for about 45 minutes. "So, we let her digest the meal. They are very vulnerable when they do, "he explained.

See some of the pictures.

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