Monday, January 20, 2014

USA: a House able to withstand tsunamis

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Despite being the world's largest economy, the United States still cannot avoid the most extreme atmospheric phenomena. Since Hurricane Catrina the Polar Vortex, the United States are often affected by extreme events that remind us that the results can be devastating.

The most common are hurricanes and tornadoes, which every year reach several cities, mainly destroying dwellings. To avoid that the houses remain destroyed year after year, the workshop of architects Designs Northwest Architects have designed a House that supports the worst natural phenomena: from strong winds, heavy rainfall, storms and even tsunamis.

Situated in an area of full bed on Camano Island in Washington, the two-story house is supported by pillars of 1.5 meters, designed to withstand high-speed wave. The ground floor, called "riding full" is a multipurpose space, whose walls are designed to leave in case of tsunami, thus leaving the top intact housing, refers to Gizmag.

The decor is simple and industrial style, however, the architects gave him a more cozy by entering a few pieces of wood and lots of Windows for natural light. The housing consists of a kitchen, living room, bathroom, master bedroom and a smaller room. Although the House be tsunami-proof, just know if you resist when it is hit by a.

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