Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friendship between Japanese and stray cat octogenarian gives rise to bestseller

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In 2003, a hot bitch gave birth to a little white kitten in the barn of Misao Ihara, an elderly woman in Japan. Quickly, the small animal was adopted by Misao and became inseparable friends.

The small animal was called "Fukumaru" in hopes that the god of the lucky (fuku in Japanese) came and everything becomes better (maru). Since the little cat was adopted in 2003, the granddaughter of Misao, the photographer Miyoko Ihara, who lives with her grandmother, began documenting the relationship between the elderly and Fukumaru. The pictures gave rise to a book, which is a bestseller in Japan and was well-received in the United States.

Despite his 88 years, Misao is still quite active and will every day to his small farm in Chiba. Fukumaru is a constant presence, helping with the chores.

"In part, because they are a little deaf, my grandmother and the Fukumaru are always take care of each other. Are very close, "said Miyoko, quoted by the Huffington Post. "The Fukumaru's so happy beside my grandmother. When I take a picture of the two is like you're shooting in small ".

The photographic project entitled "Misao, the great mother and Fukumaro, the cat". Misao believes that the success of the book the granddaughter is due to the tranquility that is retractada in the photographs. "When I see the way my grandma lives life really feel she has a kind of strength that my generation can't match. She rises with the Sun and go to bed when he goes down. Loves the cat and the vegetables that grow on Thursday as if they were children, "says Miyoko.

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