Wednesday, February 26, 2014

United Kingdom: full revealed prehistoric forests

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The intensity of the storms that, since November, ravage the British territory, is to reveal numerous prehistoric forests submerged so far, according to The Telegraph.

The forests are along the coast of Cornwall and Wales and are being identified for the first time in 40 years. One of the most impressive is located in Mount Bay, Cornwall, and consists of pieces between three and five meters of old oak, pine and beech. Until now, these were preserved by the sand.

It's been a long time since scientists know of the existence of these forests, but just now the geologists will be able to use radiocarbon dating to realize your age and realize when they stayed submerged-it is estimated that the phenomenon has occurred there are 4,000 to 6,000 years and No 12 thousand years ago, as previously thought.

At this time, British communities were slowly abandon the lifestyles of hunter-gatherer for agriculture.

"The storms revealed pieces of pine and oak trees between two to five meters, as well as remains of bushes with acorns and hazelnuts well preserved. These forests have grown four or five thousand years ago, when the climate was slightly hotter than nowadays, "said Frankie Howie, responsible for Geoconservation Group and leader of the wild life Department of Cornwall.

In the coming months, the forests should be submerged again.

Foto: Keith Morris/Wales Online

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