Sunday, February 16, 2014

U.s. Olympic skier wants to adopt dogs of Sochi

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After the story of the Russian millionaire who built a shelter to 140 of 2,000 dogs of Sochi that were going to be slaughtered, now is the time of Gus Kenworthy, American athlete to compete in the Olympic Winter Games, to be in the spotlight of the media. This skier wants to take home, besides the obvious medals, a dog and their four dogs.

Kenworthy saw the family of dogs in the vicinity of the Gorki Media Center and decided he had to help animals. "The dogs are adorable," said the skier at the end of the semifinal of slopestyle, cites the USA Today.

The athlete found a temporary shelter for animals and equipment to carry on the plane and is trying to be vaccinated next week. According to Kenworthy, who posted a photo of animals on Twitter, several friends and family elements provided to adopt animals, being that the skier should keep at least one of the dogs. "I have received many messages from friends and family who would like to stay with them, including the mother of dogs" reveals Kenworthy.

Follow Gus, on Twitter, here. It's the quickest way to know, within a few days, if the skier managed to bring the dogs to the United States.

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