Thursday, February 27, 2014

Viewpoints of Portugal featured in Condé Nast Traveler

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The Portuguese Lisbon belvederes â€" and not only â€" were highlighted this month by the Spanish edition of Condé Nast Traveler magazine that devotes an extensive article to these sites.

The text begins by the miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara (1st photo gallery), in Lisbon, described as a "balcony overlooking downtown, downtown", passing then to the Miradouro de Santa Luzia Sanctuary (2), in Viana do Castelo, a perfect place to enjoy the sunset over the estuary of the river Lima.

Again in Lisbon, the highlight goes to the miradouro do Castelo de São Jorge (3), where there is one of the best panoramic views of the Portuguese capital, followed by the Moorish Castle (4), in Sintra, from where the landscape that can be seen largely compensates for the effort of the climb.

Note, also, to the Miradouro de Santa Luzia (5), in Lisbon, whose walls are lined by hundreds of tiles, and once again coming out of the Portuguese capital, the journalist draws the attention of the reader to the currency scenario from Monsanto (6), presented as "the most Portuguese village of Portugal".

Read the article.

The following are the Palácio da Pena (7), in Sintra, formerly Kings scenario, the Cabo da Roca (8), located in the westernmost point of continental Europe, passing then to the North, more specifically to the Miradouro da Serra do Pilar (9), which provides a magnificent view of the city of Porto.

The article, signed by Alvaro Anglada, ends in Marvão (10), Alentejo village where the landscape you enjoy from your Castle is odd.

Fotos: Cebete, MiguelVieira, Bernt Rostad, tiseb, guymoll, guymoll, Angel T., Bert Kaufman, Leandro's World Tour, Jsome1/Creative Commons

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