Sunday, March 30, 2014

Australian company creates machine that puts trees without the kill

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The company ArborCo, based in the city of Melbourne, South of Australia, who specializes in the treatment and transplantation of trees, has recently created a machine that puts trees without the killing, reports the website Invest.

In association with VicRoads-Australian State of Victoria company that plans, develops and administers the network of roads, the ArborCo began transplanting trees as part of works between two roads in Berwick, a suburb of the city of Melbourne.

To this end, the ArborCo uses a truck with special equipment to dig and remove trees without damaging its roots, and then transport them safely to your new location. Quickly and effectively, and without harming the environment, everything is solved.

This type of machinery is able to avoid cutting so many trees, which often turn out to be felled for the execution of works due to the impossibility of being transported to new locations.

The transplantation of trees is accomplished when the mature trees grow and become inadequate in the location where they are. The ArborCo transplant the trees of all ages and sizes, and may also acquire mature trees for new features or landscaping.

The ArborCo team performs all aspects of mature trees transplant operations, which requires specialized knowledge in Arboriculture, together with experience, skill and equipment that few people possess.

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