Monday, March 17, 2014

First floor of the Eiffel Tower will be transformed into a sustainable space

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The project to renovate the first floor of the best-known monument of Paris began in 2012 and is expected to be completed later this year. Borne by the atelier-Rivière, Moatti said draft renovation of the first floor of the Eiffel Tower intends to transform the space into a place of entertainment and learning. With a contemporary design, the transformation will contemplate the introduction of various sustainable systems.

The installation of several solar systems, hydraulic and wind will allow reuse natural resources and reduce the ecological footprint of the space. So, will be installed solar panels which will allow you to provide energy and lighting with LED lamps. Will also be installed four windmills with vertical axes that will feed a water turbine and will be used a drainage system to collect rainwater.

With a budget of €24,9 million, the project includes the demolition and rebuilding of parts of the first floor and the pavilions Ferrié, hosting the welcoming lobby, shops and a restaurant. After being completed, the main reception area in front of the elevators will also be renovated and enlarged, with the addition of conference rooms, a multipurpose amphitheater and open-air museum route referred to in Inhabitat.

The floor of the first floor will be in glass and will be installed so that the balconies to 57 feet off the ground can be easily overlooked when. Equally important as the renewal project are the new access facilities that will be implemented, which will allow people with mobility difficulties visit the first floor.

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