Friday, March 28, 2014

Indian start-up creates ring-shaped device that can help visually impaired

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Rohildev, an Indian of 23 years, created through its technological start-up a device that could revolutionize the use of the Basic objects of everyday life. Additionally, the appliance, ring-shaped, can be a precious help for the blind.

The product, called Fin, adapter is a hardware device to use ring-shaped thumb and converts the Palm in a gestural interface. The device is equipped with sensors that can accurately recognize each phalanx of fingers. The built-in Bluetooth technology lets you connect the Fin to other devices, such as television, smartphone, computer and other electronic equipment.

Once it recognizes with great precision the Palm of the human hand cannot assign different functions to each segment of the fingers, that are performed while playing with your thumb on the desired phalanx. Thus, with a simple touch you can make emergency calls, mute the phone, answer a call, change the music you're listening to or change the channel, the Times of India.

All these possibilities of the Fin can help improve the lives of blind people, once with a simple touch can dial a phone number, open and read e-mails or phone messages, use interactive maps and make small basic gestures without having to get out of the same place. For people with disabilities who have to resort to the use of a wheelchair, the Fin can also be helpful because it allows you to control the equipment if they are electric.

To finance the construction of the Fin, Rohildev started a crowdfunding platform Indiegogo campaign. The initial aim was raise €72,5 thousand (R $ 230 thousand). However, the concept of the device was well received and the project turned out to raise €145 thousand (R $ 460 thousand), donated by 1,600 people from all over the world that pré-encomendaram the equipment. Each ring Fin will be sold by €87 ($ 277), but the price should decrease if the product is mass-produced.

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