Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The most dangerous cities in the world

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There are cities that are stages of war, controlled by corrupt governments or gangs that have seized power. Get to know some of the most unsafe cities in the world both for tourists as for the inhabitants.

Security is central to that cities get more people and thus if assume as powerful centers of economy, sustainability, inclusion, business and cultural life. See some of the problems of the most dangerous cities in the world.

1. Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan is known as a training ground for terrorist organisations and Karachi is the center of the House to join these organizations.

2. Mogadishu, Somalia

The civil war in Somalia in 1991 devastated and fractured the country and Mogadishu is technically considered its capital. However, Somalia lacks a strong central Government and almost the entire country has become a barbarian land without laws.

3. Grozny, Chechnya

Grozny, capital of Chechnya, is known for producing some of the most radical terrorists in Eastern Europe. Chechnya was the main reason for the high security at the Olympic Games in Sochi.

4. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The leadership of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has devastated the country over the years and the nation is now anything but democratic. The governance of the country causes popular riots, encouraging violence in neighborhoods and the robbery.

5.Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Despite the proximity of the United States, the Mexican city, inhabited by 2.6 million people, is one of the most unsafe and dangerous in the world.

6.Cidade de Guatemala, Guatemala

In Guatemala, tourists are discouraged from using public transport or appear to be lost, since one of the main activities of the gangs is the theft of tourists.

7.Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas is historically one of the most dangerous cities in the world. And the current situation of Venezuela came worse, and how this situation.

8.Detroit, United States

In bankruptcy, Detroit became the scene of a post apocalyptic scenario and the few inhabitants that still remain are seen with degenerates or old to leave the city.

9. Bagdad, Iraq

The death of Saddam Hussein has not contributed much to appease the violence that is felt on the streets of Baghdad since it was considered, in 2008, the most dangerous city in the world.

10. Johannesburg, South Africa

Despite still being in the lists of the world's most dangerous cities, Johannesburg can be next to no longer be, in large part thanks to the 2010 football World Cup, which helped to improve security in the city.

Foto: Farhan Chawla/Creative Commons

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