Friday, March 21, 2014

Why is Paris so polluted?

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Last week, Parisians have experienced moments that no longer lived for several decades, all of them with a very specific objective: combating pollution. Thus, public transport were free for three days, and the cars just might carry over every other day, depending on their license plates.

Now that the air becomes more breathable, want to read about an old controversy to justify the pollution of Paris â€" subsidies to diesel. According to Le Monde, this pollution is "a reflection of 20 years of inertia of France, that falls on everyone ... and the car industry lobby, which covers drivers, operating system, manufacturers of diesel-powered vehicles, which have stifled the debate on legislation".

According to the French newspaper, Paris is more prone to pollution than other European capitals because of subsidies to diesel, which produces seven times more harmful pollutants than gasoline.

The love story of France with diesel come a long way. A report in the website Huffington Post explains that she date of rural economic stimulus policies of the postwar period, implemented by Governments.

The measures sought to encourage the recovery of the field (about half of the French population lived in rural areas at that time), making diesel for agricultural machinery and trucks cheaply. Taxes and fuel taxes were reduced and continue to be facilitated even today. To give an idea, the reduction of taxes on diesel cost the French economy nearly € 8 billion in 2011 (about US $ 26 billion).

In 2011, diesel cars accounted for 70% of car sales in France. In a city where 60% of the car fleet is moved to this fuel, is not to cause surprise the explosive framework resulting from the combination of local emissions of transport and a climate that prevents â€" or prevented â€" the dissipation of pollutants.

After a week of sunny days and cold nights, much of the Air France â€" and not just in Paris â€" has become a kind of toxic soup. The sudden change of temperature exacerbated the problem, creating a bubble that prevents the polluted air is dissipated. And the cause of everything, apparently, comes from behind â€" very rear.

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