Friday, April 11, 2014

2014 FIFA World Cup mascot is facing extinction, but FIFA refuses to help in their conservation

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The banded, common name for the species of Armadillo in the genus Tolypeutes, was chosen for the World Cup 2014 symbol. He is in all promotional materials of FIFA, which organizes the tournament, and its partners; posa alongside celebrities and ex-futebolistas and have your image marketed in various products.

However, the banded-the real, which is threatened and endangered â€" not yet profited nothing with this promotion. That's what says the NGO Association Caatinga.

"FIFA does not passes nothing for conservation, or a portion of them to profit by exploiting the brand Fuleco mascot," said Roberto Castro, Executive Secretary of the NGO, the Folha de s. Paulo.

Roberto Castro has been working for several years to save the species and led a campaign to become the official mascot of the World Championship. The responsible asked FIFA to distribute any part of the World Cup profits, even if it's a small part, to the conservation of the banded.

"When the banded was chosen to be the mascot, in 2012, we were very optimistic. Now, the practical result is that almost nothing has changed, "explained the charge, which also criticizes the lack of information on the natural characteristics, habitat and conservation status of banded in products linked to you.

The banded lives mainly in caatinga and has suffered from the destruction of its habitat. In the last ten years, there has been a 30% decline in population.

Contacted by Folha de s. Paulo, FIFA explained that admires the work of the Caatinga and that one of his sponsors, Continental tires, financed for 2013. According to Roberto Castro, however, support has ended and FIFA and other partners have already decided they will not invest in the conservation of the banded.

Here are some pictures of the banded. The real, as Jose Mourinho.

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