Thursday, April 24, 2014

China wants to ban the dietary consumption of endangered species

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China has approved a draft law to punish the dietary consumption of endangered species, with the aim of reducing poaching in the country. The law provides for imprisonment for those who ask for dishes that are prepared with protected species or for those who try to buy the meat of these animals for cooking.

Although hunting of endangered species is already illegal in China, this new law is intended to cover the high demand for the meat of these animals and to punish consumers who knowingly to consume or buy. Depending on the failure, prison sentences ranging between three to ten years, referred to the Dodo.

"This is the first time that concrete measures are proposed to prohibit the consumption of endangered species. In some parts of China the consumption of these animals is a tradition with many centuries ", writes the China Daily.

The list published by the Chinese Government are part 420 species of animals, which cannot now be hunted down, killed, sold or consumed. Among the most iconic species on the list belong to the pandas, Golden monkeys, the Asian black bears and pangolins. The proposal should be examined and voted on this week.

Here are some pictures of the most mammal Ding-a-Ling trafficked in the world.

Fotos: Marc Eschenlohr/PLeia2/Toro Mojado/Creative Commons/Wikimedia Commons

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