Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The 18 most beautiful photos of the year for NASA

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A satellite image of the Canary Islands in Spain, received the award for best cinematography of the year for NASA â€" or rather, for audiences who chose from among 32 pre-selected by the American Agency.

The fantastic image had competitors and was captured by Earth satellite in June 2013.

The photos were chosen in the shape of a football tournament â€" in knock-out version, as Scolari â€" as you can see here.

See some of the other finalists and, below, the respective location.

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1. Canary Islands, Spain

2.Liege, Belgium

3.Alaska, United States

4. Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic

5. Kliuchevskoi, Russia

6. Belgrade, Serbia

7.vulcao Pavlof, Alaska, United States

8. Khartoum, Sudan

9. Etna, Italy

10. Glaciar de Pine Island

11. Yarlung Tsangpo, Tibet

12. Dasht-e Kavir, Iran

13.Alaska, United States

14. Malaysia and Singapore

15. Beijing, China

16. the Atlantic Ocean and South America

17. Tamshiyacu, Peru

18. Edinburgh, Scotland

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