Sunday, April 20, 2014

The nine lives of Lions

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If they say that cats have seven or nine lives, depending on the culture that says, so the Lions will have more. That's the whole idea of photographer Nina Sundén, who spent hundreds of hours photographing them and who claims to have seen it all: "I've seen them break bones, being cut in half and, a few days later, walking around like it was nothing," wrote Nina in your blog.

Last week, says Nina, she received the news that one of the lionesses of Bila Shaka, in Kenya, was attacked by a Buffalo, with lesions that speak for themselves (see image gallery).

Siena, so called the lioness, was cut on his back leg, and when we see the photos, it seems a miracle that she had survived. However, when the handlers found and contacted the veterinarians of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, the future of Siena came out again.

The giant wound was cleaned and treated for 30 minutes, with Siena to sleep, and the two Italian veterinary, Francesca and Matteo, say she must regain 100%. See pictures and learn more of the work of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust here.

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