Saturday, May 31, 2014

A shower that recycles water in real time – and save €490 per year

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Water is one of our most essential goods. Even asism, will be a shower which costs € 4,300 (£ 13,000) the most economical solution to reduce the expense of this well? That's what we're trying to figure out this news.

It is common knowledge that mankind has a problem at the level of the water resources. In response, the entity that regulates Ofwat, the water services in the United Kingdom want this shower water recycler is obligatorily implemented in every house until 2020.

But what makes this shower that recycles water so special? The device was developed by Australian company Cintep, which aspires to the shower to help save more than a billion gallons of water until 2017. For every litre of water to enter the shower system, leaving more than three liters of water. Taking into account the results, technology can seem quite complex, but it's actually simple.

The water enters the shower system, as in any object of type, but as will falling, she's collected. Subsequently, the water is pumped into a series of filters. The process is done in real time, to ensure that the water remains hot, not taking longer than 30 seconds. According to Cinetp, the shower recycler allows you to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in 500 kilograms per year and energy in 960 kW. Depending on the use and number of users, the device has the potential to save €492 per year, based on an average eight-minute baths.

For the more sceptical with regard to the way in which the water is recycled, the shower has a pasteurisation system which raises the water temperature to 72 degrees Celsius to remove 99.99% of bacteria, reports the Guardian. Subsequently, it is not necessary to wait for the cold water to temper the hot water. The system is also equipped with a digital system which ensures the temperature and pressure of the water efficiently over the use and which can be adjusted via the internet.

According to the Australian company, it is only necessary to sell 2,500 units of the shower recycler to save billions of gallons of water until 2017.

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