Monday, May 26, 2014

Expo 2015: Italy Pavilion will generate energy and purify the air

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Next year, Milan will host another edition of the World Exposition, Expo. Recently, the atelier Nemesi & Partners unveiled Palazzo Italy, the flag of the country. The building will be an infrastructure with six floors with a capacity to generate their own electricity, at the same time that purifies the air.

Designed to mimic an urban forest, the exterior facade is composed of more than 900 panels that form a geometric texture, creating outlines of light and shadow in the Pavilion. After the event finished the flag will stay in place, serving as example for sustainable architecture.

The external façade of Palazzo Italy is made of a special type of concrete with air purifying properties, according to the architects responsible for the project, "when exposed to direct sunlight, the active principle that was embedded in the material captures certain air pollutants and converts them into inert salts, helping to purify the air smog", referred to in Inhabitat.

Inspired by the traditional villages of Italy, the internal structure of the building takes the form of a central square. Four adjacent blocks will surround this square, providing space for exhibitions, events, offices and meeting rooms.

The Nemesi & Partners won an international competition, held in 2013, to choose the entity you were conceiving the Pavilion.

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