Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Giant virus discovered in the Brazilian Amazon

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A team of researchers from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), in partnership with the University Aix-Marseille in France, a new giant virus discovered in the waters of the Rio Negro, in the Amazon in Brazil. The virus, strangely named Samba, is the largest ever identified in the country: he is 12 times the size of the dengue virus and 100 times more genetic material.

Scientists analyzed the samples in the laboratory and have managed to isolate the virus inside an Amoeba â€" to reproduce, the virus need parasitize other organisms. The discovery was published last Wednesday, in the journal Virology.

According to Jonathan Abraham, professor of Virology at UFMG and lead author of the study, a possible explanation for the size of Samba is the high amount of genetic material necessary for the adaptation of the virus to the place where he lives. "The Rio Negro is a acid medium, unlike other rivers," said the researcher to See Brazilian magazine.

The virus encodes proteins, 1,000 Samba is comprised of 1.2 million base pairs of DNA and has 600 nanometres in size (each nanometre equals the millionth of a millimeter), against 50 nanometres of the dengue virus.

It may not be dangerous for man

It has not yet been possible to establish whether this virus can bring consequences to man, but Abraham explains that the fact that it is bigger and more complex doesn't make it necessarily more dangerous. The mimivirus (generic name given to the giant viruses) have been found in animals and in humans. "The mimivirus have been associated with cases of pneumonia, but the studies are not yet conclusive. If this is true, the disease must manifest itself only in people who have already had immune problems. I can't believe a mimivirus is the cause of an epidemic, "says Abraham.

Following this investigation, the scientists also announced the discovery of a virus, dubbed of Rio Negro, which infects the Samba. For this feature, the Black River is classified as a virófago, name given to a virus that another parasite. He is able to reduce the multiplication of Samba and cause defects in training in descendants.

According to Abraham, the Rio Negro is important for maintaining the Samba in balance. "Samba infects and destroys the amoebas very easily. Without the Negro River to curb their proliferation, he would eventually destroy all amoebas and become extinct, since you wouldn't have to reproduce, "he explains.

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