Monday, June 23, 2014

Anonymous art collective creates maze with 6,000 recycled plastic bottles

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The Luzinterruptus, a collective of anonymous art, created a maze constructed from recycled plastic bottles 6,000 â€" a critique of consumer society. The urban intervention â€" Labyrinth of Plastic Waste â€" is the contribution of the group to the Katowice Sreet Art Festival in Poland.

To construct the maze, Luzinterruptus collected 6,000 bottles of a local factory and several residents who also donated bottles. In total, more than 26 metres of plastic waste were converted in a maze of plastic debris with 3.4 meters tall and a size of 7 × 5 meters.

The bottles are supported by walls made of plastic bags. During the day, sunlight reflects the colors of the plastic, which is colored. At night, the installation is illuminated by LED lamps, the maze turns into something resembling an ice sculpture.

"We wanted to demonstrate, in a poetic way, the amount of plastic waste are consumed daily, focusing attention still on the big business of bottled water, which causes serious problems in developing countries, where many people see your reservations water be privatised", explains the group, quoted by Inhabitat.

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