Tuesday, June 3, 2014

MIT investigates smart mobile for cities of the future

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One of the major trends on the planet, long announced, is related to the migration of people from rural areas to the cities. However, the major cities, we also know there is very little have been doing to prepare for the invasion of population in the coming years, both in terms of mobility or urban sustainability.

Still, there are now universities and technological institutes who are concerned how the lifestyle that these new urbanites will find in large cities: employment to housing.

The big problem is the way in which the citizen will manage this trilogy essential in everyday life: home, work and leisure. Today, there are two trends: anyone who spends a lot of time in traffic to get to work, since it does not give up a spacious House and, often, suburban; and who give up the space to live right near the city centre.

Is for both the MIT Media Lab has released the CityHome, a project which is investigating a smart mobile that fits every room in the House. According to MIT, it is likely that, in the future, there are apartments with no more than 20 square meters, so it is better to innovate while there is time.

This mobile looks more like a smartphone â€" a iHome â€" with traditional furniture. Controlled by gestures, touch or voice, he moves constantly through an internal motor that allows you to transform a Division in kitchen, living room or bathroom in just a few seconds â€" as you can see here.

To be digital, the system can also allow the download of applications for domestic control. "He would work very well in cities where youngsters are pressured to leave, due to high prices of the market", explained Kent Larson, Chief researcher at MIT Media Lab. With this solution, in addition to saving money on rent, consumers need to be constantly buying furniture, alleviating the wallet and the environment.

If, as many say, the major cities are increasingly similar to those Asian metropolises, where millions of people live in small spaces, the better it will look for an alternative. So that our quality of life do not leave something to be desired.

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