Sunday, June 1, 2014

Rock in Rio: still there are few who dare to go on two wheels

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About two dozen bicycles are neatly parked in a room â€" built from pallets, sustainable style of Rock in Rio â€" called "bike shed". The muses of two wheels there deposited are faithfully guarded by several volunteers from the Portuguese Federation of Cycling and bicycle Users (FPCUB), awaiting the arrival of cyclists.

However, you must wait some time until an adventurer of two wheels for those stops. When is received with pomp and circumstance, with the photo as a celebrity. In the end, the photos will be assembled into a digital album of FPCUB.

This "bike shed" is a bicycle park with about 100 square metres â€" located next to the ticket office and cloakroom near the entrance of the enclosure â€" that works during the five-day Rock in Rio and offers cyclists a safe place to leave your two-wheeled vehicle while having fun inside the enclosure.

The EDP Bike Park, official name of the space, is an initiative of the organization that is integrated into the festival's sustainability project and has the support of EDP, Lisbon City Council and the FPCUB, as a way to encourage the public to travel to the Park da Bela Vista without recourse to auto.

Those who decide to go to Rock in Rio pedaling and leave bicycles in the "bike shed" are entitled to free minor repairs, made by FPCUB, which for the second time is combined at Rock in Rio in this initiative. How do you explain the President of FPCUB, José Manuel Caetano, the arrangements are not of great rides ". Repair of holes, placement of chains and repairing brakes are the main arrangements made. "The repairs are just so that the rider can come home", indicates the President of FPCUB the Green Savers.

The daily average of bikes coming to an EDP Bike Park not exceeded 50 in the first two days. If the day 25 were stationed about 40 bicycles in the Park, on the day in Lisbon hosted the Rolling Stones the number was lower. However, the FPCUB expects the bike rack get more vehicles this year than in the 2012 Edition, when hosted about 150 bikes in total number of days.

José Manuel Caetano explains the low adhesion of the festival-goers to bicycle as means of transport as a "cultural issue", since the use of two wheels is not yet widespread in the Portuguese population.

Although they are few who opt for two wheels to go these days to the "city of Rock", most festival-goers followed the advice of the Organization and are opting for public transportation, including the metro.

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