Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The sad end of the elephant Satao

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The elephant Satao, known for its long tusks, which almost reached the ground, was killed on May 30 by poachers, according to the NGO Tsavo Trust. Satao was one of the largest elephants in the African territory and was easily identified from the sky, for example, due to its exceptional size.

The body of the elephant, which had 45 years, was found in the Tsavo National Park in southern Kenya, on 2 June. The hunters used poisoned arrows to kill him and then withdraw the ivory.

"It is with great sadness that we confirm without any doubt that Sato is dead, assassinated by an ivory Hunter with poisoned arrows, to feed the insatiable demand for ivory in distant countries," said the Organization in a statement.

"A great life lost to somebody, there in the distance, can be an ornament on the mantelpiece," continued the Tsavo Trust.

Satao would be one of the older elephants in the world â€" and certainly one of the most celebrated. Also in may, another iconic Mountain, Kenya elephant Bull, had already been found dead. According to the Kenya Wildlife Service in 2014 were already dead elephants and rhinos 20 97. However, the NGOs say that the number of elephants killed in Kenya is about 10 times the official number.

Here are some pictures of the elephant Satao â€" including several of photographer Mark Muller. The last picture may shock readers eventually therefore sensitive we suggest its not screening these. These are Satao already without tusks.

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