Sunday, July 20, 2014

Can you imagine the amount of garbage it produces during a week?

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We are all aware of the pollution or global warming. But are we aware of the amount of garbage that we produce on a daily basis? Gregg Segal, a photographer from California, decided to raise awareness to this problem through strong images, having photographed several people who posed with the garbage they produced during seven days.

The project, denomidado "7 Days of Garbage", tries to portray people of different social strata and its garbage, in order to reach the largest audience possible.

Segal decided to photograph the participants in front of natural beds in order to illustrate better than the trash produced by us is affecting nature directly. "Obviously, the photographic series aims to foster the confrontation between the people and the excess that is part of their lives. I hope you recognize that much of the trash they produce is unnecessary, "says the photographer quoted by Bored Panda.

Some of the participants were embarrassed because of the amount of garbage produced per week and decided then to choose some of the trash in order to use the pictures. Others decided to use all the garbage they produced and the result are the images you can see here.

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