Monday, July 14, 2014

Hotel de Londres has an Apiary for 300 thousand special guests

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The St Ermin's Hotel, in James Park, London, created his own Apiary, which houses more than 300 thousand bees. Located on the third floor balcony, space is the first of its kind in the city and the hotel already has an entire wall devoted to insects.

Designed by expert and bee Wrangler Camilla Goddard, the hotel offers accommodation in the form of suites purple hex, a wide variety of species of bees visitors. The Apiary is still a colony of buckfast bees â€" a species created by humans in the early 20th century, at Buckfast Abbey, England, to combat a disease that was decimating bee colonies locations.

The hotel also offers special spaces for other beneficial insects, like the terrestrial isopods, ladybugs, spiders and Earwigs.

"The bees are facing a massive decline and facing great challenges today, including the reduction of natural forage, as wildflower meadows. I want to encourage people to help create more forage for bees, "said Camilla Goddard to the British press.

Additionally, the beekeeper hotel guests still teaches how to collect honey and take care of bees and will guide future workshops on the treatment of bees at St Ermin's Hotel. The honey produced by bees visitors is collected and marketed under the brand name of the hotel.

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