Friday, August 1, 2014

10 tips for eating outside the home and take care of the line

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In Europe, more than 27% of children 13 years and 33% with 11 years are overweight. Portugal is among the countries with the worst indicators: to 11 years, 32% of children are overweight. The World Health Organization reveals "worrying levels" of overweight in adults also resulting from a poor diet and physical inactivity.

We know that, due to the demands of day-to-day often chooses to make meals away from home. But that choice, contrary to what you may think, doesn't have to entail, invariably, a less healthy meal. After all, it's possible to eat well, even away from home.

Follow these 10 tips from the portal my well being and (re) learn how to make healthy meals whenever you have lunch or dinner in the workplace, in restaurants or shopping malls.

1. Eat slowly and chew well

The guide of the Spanish society of Obesity with advice to eat away from home it is recommended to make family meals or with people not to eat too fast. A meal should last about 40 minutes.

2. observe the meals

Follow a schedule of reasonable meals and don't spend too much time in fasting for not reaching the next meal on an empty stomach. It is advisable to make five meals, including a slight at mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

3. Control portion sizes

The ideal is to make five meals per day. this procedure will help you to not eat everything that you appear in front of when you sit at the table.

4. drink water especially if it's for quenching thirst

In this case, it is also recommended the consumption of tea or other non-caloric infusion.

5. alcoholic beverages with care, weight and measurement

The wine, beer or cider (fermented beverages) are not banned during lunch since eaten in moderation and responsibility. Remember that a third of the 148 calories and provides a beer glass around 200.

6. Marmita, Yes, but healthy

If you choose to take a packed lunch to work, combine all of the nutrients in the same dish. IE, protein and complex carbohydrates such as pasta with meat or fish and vegetables.

 7. Give primacy to vegetables

If you choose the daily menu or the à la carte menu in a restaurant, start with a salad or a vegetable dish, at least three days a week, and avoid the seconds dishes (meat, eggs or heavy) with many sauces and side dishes such as fried.

8. only one piece of bread and always during the meal

If before starting the meal I ate his portion of bread, probably will consume another serving before finishing. This will mean a consumption of two servings per meal. In any case, it is recommended to consume wholemeal bread.

9. avoid high-calorie appetizers

Replace high-calorie appetizers for "vinagretas" as pickles, onion or anchovies. And if you opt for this suggestion, review the possibility to compensate with a lunch or light supper.

 10. practice exercise on a regular basis

"For those who do not practice enough, simply go hiking or sports that do not require great physical exertion. The best advice at the time of exercise is to look for the regularity and intensity, "says the guide of the Spanish society of Obesity.

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