Friday, September 12, 2014

Macabre invention transforms pets on drones

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The imagination is the most important characteristics of human beings but, when used for purposes less humanists, can generate shock waves bigger or smaller. In this case, the creativity of inventors Dutchmen Arjen Beltman and Bart Jensen led them to create drones made from stuffed animals.

According to BBC News, the duo started by using a cat embalmed in a radio controlled device; then proceeded to an ostrich embalmed. This month, Beltman and Jensen built a smaller model, to accommodate the hamster Pepeijn Bruins of 13 years â€" the animal had just died of cancer.

"I loved him and I'd like to feel attached to me or see him hiding in my clothes," explained BBC Pepeijn.

According to the BBC, the next job of the Dutch duo's for putting a motor boat on a shark. All work will be featured on the TV Show All Creatures Great and Stuffed â€" where do we sign the petition to stop these grotesque practices?

According to the duo, this is a way to honor departed pets â€" and the reader agrees with this theory?

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