Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dead soldier's bedroom in WWI is intact for 100 years

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This little news or anything is related to sustainability, but it's proof that, sometimes, we feel that humanity can really be better one day.

The room of Hubert Rochereau, a French soldier killed during the first world war, remains the same the day that this young man left his home in Belabre, in the Centre of the country, to fight in Belgium, in 1918.

When they received the news of the death of his son, Hubert's parents kept her room untouched, as a tribute to the courage of the son. In 1936, when the House finally sold, they stipulated that the room should not be changed in the next 500 years.

The clause has no legal basis but is being fulfilled by the family Fabre, which occupies the House since the ' 30. "The clause has no legal basis, but we believe that the room should not be changed. If we sell the House, let's find another owner who respect the memory of Hubert Rochereau and keep this museum piece intact, "explained Daniel Fabre, the present owner, the Nouvelle Republique.

The uniform of Hubert, since almost all moth-eaten, still hanging in the closet, and photos of ancestors remain alongside his pack of cigarettes.

Hubert was one of 580,000 soldiers who died on the Western front in the war of 14-18. More than 70 million soldiers were mobilized for the war, which killed about nine million people.

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