Sunday, November 30, 2014

7 unknown benefits of carrot

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The carrot belongs to the Group of foods with "promising effects" in the prevention of some types of cancer, according to the World Health Organization in the World Cancer Report 2014.

Being one of the world's most produced vegetable, carrot is often undervalued by the population. Asia is the largest producer in the world, followed by Europe and the UNITED STATES. The aggregator my Well-being took on tips from nutritionist Carmen Garcia Torrent, holder of a degree in food science and technology, and drew up the list of the seven benefits of carrot.

1. flavourings of carrot stimulate the appetite.

2. consuming it raw strengthens teeth and gums. Eat raw vegetables such as carrots improves the bloodstream nozzle and prevents bacteria settle in the teeth. In addition, fluoride, present in foods such as spinach, carrots or apples, is an essential mineral to maintain the good condition of the tooth enamel and prevents dental caries.

3. helps fight constipation and stomach pain for intoxication. Thanks to its high content of fiber, prevents constipation. In addition, calms the excess acidity due to minerals such as sodium, chloride, potassium and vitamin b. Therefore, is a highly recommended if you suffer from gastritis.

4. due to its high content in water, it is diuretic and helps in the disintegration of kidney stones.

5. rich in potassium and phosphorus, is an excellent food for tired minds and to soothe.

6. strengthens nails and hair, increasing the brightness. Carrot's mother cells are rich in beta-carotene, also called provitamin A, which the body turns into vitamin A or retinol. These compounds repair cells damaged by environmental effects, and thus strengthens and revitalizes the nails and the hair. Vitamin A helps in the production of sebum, beneficial to the scalp.

7. improves the quality of breast milk. Beta carotene and vitamin a improves biological quantity of breast milk, according to Mario García, doctor in Pharmacy and food safety specialist. The intake of beta-carotene, minerals and enzymes of carrot favor the healthy breast milk production.

And, Yes, the carrot is also good for your eyes. The daily intake of carrots are especially recommended in cases of loss of visual acuity and blindness Twilight (trouble seeing at night or in low light). The who believes that vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of childhood blindness in developing countries.

Foto: John Morgan/Creative Commons

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