Saturday, November 29, 2014

American city bans cars with horses

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The city of Salt Lake City, in the u.s. State of Utah, just pass a law banning horse carriages, after several years of activism on the part of the defenders of animals.

The last straw for the city put the subject on the agenda was the death of a 13-year-old horse, Jerry, which collapsed in one of the hottest days of the summer of 2013. The video of the horse to fall led to a controversy that ended with the company that sold the service, Carriagem for Hire, closing their doors.

The company's output was well received by PETA and Utah Animal Rights Coalition, which pressured the Board to change the law to prevent future incidents.

In a first phase, the municipality became the regulations of these services be narrower, but this week the ban was confirmed. "We believe that times have changed and that the horses don't belong to our increasingly busy cities," explained to the Salt Lake City Gene Baierschmidt, director of the Humane Society of Utah.

This prohibition could lead other cities to decide by reformulating their own laws. It is recalled that the mayor of New York, Bill deBlasio, promised to prohibit the horse carriages during his tenure, but still said nothing on the topic after his election.

Foto: vxla/Creative Commons

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