Sunday, November 2, 2014

Planet Earth seen from space

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Last year, Chris Hadfield became the most famous astronaut in the world. The story has already been told here, but we can repeat it. During their daily work on the international space station, the canadiado spoke with his son via email â€" in fact, the son helped in the management of their social networks.

One day, Hadfield gave an idea for father junior: why not ask his followers what kind of images would you like to see? "The answer was: ' I want an image of my hometown, where I was born '," explained Hadfield to Quartz.

In a short time, Hadfield came to worldwide fame â€" his Twitter account already has 1.1 million followers and Facebook about 700 thousand. "It was fantastic. At first, I thought it was a bit narcissistic, "joked Hadfield, who just released the book" You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes ", a compilation of 192 of the most iconic photos that the Commander took from space.

In total, Hadfield took about 45 images of planet Earth, most transmitted directly to NASA and stored. "I never got to see many of them," confesses.

"There's a notion that the borders are man-made but we cannot see it from space. But we can, because of agricultural spaces, municipal standards and even natural parks, "continued Hadfield.

For the Commander, more than a book about nature, this is an illustrated volume about civilization. See some of the photos included in the book, which can be purchased here.

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1. Florida e Havana (Cuba)

2. Detroit, United States, and Windsor, Canada

3.Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego, United States.

4.Cairo, Egypt

5. Venice, Italy

6. Richat Structure, Mauritania

7. Great Salt Lake, Utah, Estados Unidos

8. Himalaias

9.Sao Francisco, United States

10.Arica, Chile

11. Pereira Barreto, Brazil

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