Monday, November 17, 2014

Tibetan monks build artificial glaciers to provide water to local villages

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In Ladakh, a desert region in the Tibetan plateau, the consequences of climate change are already felt severely by its inhabitants. Farmers in Ladakh are facing a water crisis due to the rapid melting of the glaciers and as such decided to act and build artificial glaciers in cone shape.

As the natural glaciers around Ladakh are decreasing in size from year to year, due to global warming, the amount of water available every spring is smaller and smaller. But during the hot summer months, the water released is enough, which decreases the size of glaciers. This situation is extremely worrying for the inhabitants of the region, who depend on the water for centuries provided by glaciers.

In January this year, SECMOL School students Campus began working on a solution to the water shortage by creating artificial glaciers. The structures were called Stupas of ice, due to similarities shared with the traditional Tibetan stupas.

In late February, the students had already created a prototype structure of two years floors which stored about 150,000 gallons of water from excess water from glaciers during the winter.

After the first prototype has proved a success, the structure was blessed by a Tibetan monk who requested a full-scale version of the artificial glacier to the land involving the Phyang monastery, referred to Inhabitat.

To raise funds for the Stupas of Ice of Phyang, monks and villagers launched a fundraising campaign. So that there is funding, the objective is to use the stupas to create enough water to irrigate the desert region of Ladakh.

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