Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Underwater discovery in the Aegean Pompeii

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Researchers at the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Ephorate of Underse Archeology, in Greece, discovered a species of "underwater Pompeii" in the Aegean Sea. According to the international press, were found remains of an ancient village â€" including your workshop â€" on the seabed near the island of Delos (photos 5 to 9).

Archaeologists have discovered 16 terracotta pots and remnants of an ancient furnace, according to Discovery News, describing the find as "a little Pompeii".

"In the past, these ruins had been identified as port infrastructure," explained the Minister of culture of Greece. However, the survey revealed that, instead of a port, they are part of an ancient village. "Workshops were found equal in Pompeii and Herculaneum".

Other structural elements of the village, as columns or walls, were also collected along the coast. The village, probably linked to maritime activities or crafts, disappeared in mysterious ways. Later, the sea took it upon himself to hide from people.

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